Thursday, June 26, 2014

See ya, suckers!

I'm going on vacation tomorrow!
I thought I would post a tiny bit before I go... I'm sure I'll have a lot of drawings to show you on the next blog post! I made these His & Her mugs for my friends that are getting married.... they really enjoyed them! I also apologize for my legs being in the pictures. I just wanted to take quick snapshots before I gave them away!

I love the Royal Tenenbaums so much, so I decided to draw Margot Tenenbaum. It's the first of my many fan art drawings that I am planning on selling at Comic Con! Yahoo!

A little doodle I did this week from an interwebz picture.
Ashley Fairbourne

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I look the same as I did when I was 5

Hey humans, how goes it? I am having a much better week than last week! So that's an improvement. I have just been working on some commissions and stuff for the newspaper. Even though I don't have as much to show as I normally do, I figured it was better than nothing.
Since it was father's day on Sunday, I ended up sorting through some old pictures, trying to find a couple of me and my dad. In the process, I ran across some seriously silly pictures of myself, this one included. (That's my mom! Isn't she an 80's babe?) I also discovered that I have scrapbooks filled with my old art, from the first time I picked up a pencil up until the end of grade school. I couldn't believe that my mom saved all that junk, until I started looking through it. She claims she always knew that I was going to be an artist, and I always shrug it off. But as I started looking through the books, I was pretty amused by myself. I remembered exactly what I was trying to draw and honestly, they were not too bad for a 5 year old! Anyways, the point of that is I think it might be fun to share some of my early art with you guys. Its pretty hilarious. So let me know if you think that would be a good idea, and depended on the responses, I might just do it anyways. 

A caricature of my cousin and her husband... I've been getting a lot of commissions for caricatures, and I love it! It's so entertaining to try and skew someone's features ever-so-slightly.

I drew this last night for the Sketch Dailies prompt... Sailor Moon! I couldn't resist, seeing as I was obsessed with that anime as a child (and still have a soft spot for it!)

I also am having a giveaway currently! But it closes tonight! So hurry and enter if you want! Just go check out my instagram @ashleyfairbourneillustration and the details are listed there! 

ashley fairbourne

Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's so late, but I had to post!

Oh hey dudes. Hope this week has been stellar for you all. It's actually been a pretty rough week for me, but it's bound to happen once in a while, right? So I just have a few random things to show you guys.

This is a little 5x5 wood block that I painted a bunny on! I gave it to a friend as a little surprise/thank you. I think wood is one of my favorite surfaces to paint on.

These 2 caricatures were a commission I worked on the last couple of weeks. I had so much fun with these! I actually have been getting a lot of caricature commissions as of late, so I will have some more to show you guys soon! 

I just have to take a moment to show off a little. My name is in my school newspaper! Isn't that swell? It was a really cool moment for me to see my name in print with the title "illustrator."

 I drew a little comic this week about how terrified I am of taking the trash out at my work. Also, remember how I said I was thinking of starting a web comic out? Well, I think I might end up doing something more like this. Or I'll just revisit the characters I had for the web comic. I guess we will see what I decide to do. 

Doodles from the newspaper's layout meeting... I was paying attention, promise.

ashley fairbourne

p.s... don't you love how I didn't bother cropping my hand out of half of these? 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Frog Prince - Sketches and Progress

I realized recently that I don't really show my work when I post my art, and I decided to change that! This was all done for my "Frog Prince" final that I posted about a month ago. Enjoy!

First, I start out by looking at a lot of pictures of what I am going to be drawing... in this case, frogs! I started trying to add personality to some of them, lips, eyelashes, etc. I do this to get a better grasp on what a frog's anatomy is like, simple shapes to draw it as, stuff like that.

This frog looks like Jabba the Hutt..

My original idea was to do a queen/princess frog from the Victorian era... but later on, I decided it would be more fun to do a baby frog prince. Sometimes it is hard for me to abandon my original ideas because I feel like I wasted time. But in reality, I would have never gotten that idea if I hadn't been trying different things out. And in the end, the product was much more unique and I enjoyed drawing it a lot more.

After I have the basic gist of what I want to draw, I start doodling thumbnails to work out my composition. Once I think I've got it figured out, THEN I can finally start on the final!

And... voila! It's kind of crazy how much work goes into something before you even begin on it. That is one thing I learned in school that has helped me tremendously. 

Ashley Fairbourne