Saturday, July 22, 2017


Well hey everyone!

I'm really excited about the prospects of a few projects right now. Hopefully some of them work out so that I can share with you guys!

I just wanted to do a quick little art drop to keep you all in the loop. Oh, and life update: basically, it's way too hot right now, I'm attempting to stop biting my nails for the umpteenth time, I wish it was Halloween, and I ate way too many cupcakes way too late at night. 
 Life is pretty cool though, despite all of that.

Thank you all x 1,000,000 for all of your support! Let's get real - sometimes social media is the worst and makes you feel like a real pile of doo-doo, but other times it's great and people are super supportive and loving! So thanks if you are a part of the latter. :)

Have a great weekend! 

Ashley xoxo

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Catching Up!

Hey everyone!

I feel like the last few weeks have been extremely busy for me, so I haven't had much time for personal art. It bums me out, but I'm gonna try to focus on more personal projects this month! I also have been brainstorming a lot lately - - now I just need to make those ideas a reality!

Quick announcement: I am going to have a booth at Craft Lake City this year! So SLC friends - stop by and say hey! I've been busy prepping for the convention and am hoping to have a few things to debut at the festival!

Anywho, here are some sketches and work-in-progress shots to take a gander at!

 I've been working on a commission the past few weeks and have been doing a lot of preliminary sketches to get properly prepared! It's going to be an underwater-themed children's book-style painting. I'll post my process here when I get it all finished up!

Started working on a personal project series of oil paintings. Unfortunately, I had to stop for a while to give commissions a little more attention (and I ran out of liquin).

Is everyone getting stoked for Halloween??! It's the most wonderful time of the year. I'm already planning out my costume. AND! I've been planning out my Inktober series for this year... so stay tuned :D

Thank you all for your continued support! 

Ashley xoxo