Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sketchez 'n Thangz, yo.

Hey everyone!

I'm sticking to my guns and updating today even though I don't feel like I have a lot to share. Last week was rough and left me pretty distracted, so I didn't get a lot done in the creative department. But hey - that's how life goes sometimes! 

I've been really into digital painting lately and so I made this little demo portrait in Photoshop to experiment with technique and color palettes. It went a lot better than I was expecting! I even posted a speed paint video of it on my YouTube:
Personally, I love watching speed painting videos. It's insane how quickly the piece transforms!

I'm sure that I will have a lot more to show you within the next couple weeks. I have a lot of different projects going and a lot of them should be finished soon! 

Thank you all for your continued support!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Moleskine Drawings & My YouTube Channel!

Hey guys!

I have exciting news! After months of planning, my YouTube channel is finally live! I will be posting videos weekly of time lapse drawings, product reviews, and other process videos. Click HERE to visit my channel!

I doodled up this girl being bummed about winter and decided to make a time lapse video of my drawing process.

 I got a Munny figure this year for Christmas after wanting one for years!! For those who don't know what in the world I'm talking about, there is a company called Kid Robot that makes these plain DIY vinyl figures that you can paint and make look however you want! I am so excited to get started on it and I wanted to make sure I documented the process of creating it! Here are a few photos of the things I have been working on with it -

Sketching out ideas of what I would like the face to look like...

 ...and here are the first few coats of paint on the face! Really excited about the color palette for this! I will hopefully have more progress made by the time I post next!

 I was commissioned to make this Han and Chewie piece for a child's room. I had so much fun redesigning the characters!

 I finally got a Moleskine sketchbook! I have been lusting after them for years... and I finally splurged and bought one! Can I just say, the paper feels amazing! It leaves a super velvety texture when you use Prismacolor pencils on it.

I've been listening to Blondie a lot lately and thought I would give a caricature of Debbie Harry a try! This was done in the Moleskine sketchbook with a black Prismacolor pencil.
Thank you all so much for your continued support!
Stay warm and drink a warm cup of tea tonight!