Thursday, December 29, 2016

2017, Here I Come!

Hey guys!

So we are about to head into the year 2017 and I am making multiple lists of things I want to accomplish next year. I never used to be into the whole resolution/goal thing, but the last couple years, New Years Resolutions have helped me push myself significantly! They really help me stay motivated and feel super accomplished when I reach a goal!

I would love to share some of my project goals with you guys, but I think I would prefer to keep them personal and show them off as I complete them! I will tell you this, though: one of my resolutions is going to be updating my blog at least twice a month. I feel as though updating it once a week was a bit overkill before and overwhelmed me a little, so I am going to back off to twice a month and hope that I can get more work in progress posts shown on here!

All 2017 babble aside, here are some of the things I have been working on the last 2-3 months. Enjoy! 

I am so excited to see what 2017 has in store for me! 
And I can't wait for the opportunity to create more things! 
Until next time, 

