Thursday, December 29, 2016

2017, Here I Come!

Hey guys!

So we are about to head into the year 2017 and I am making multiple lists of things I want to accomplish next year. I never used to be into the whole resolution/goal thing, but the last couple years, New Years Resolutions have helped me push myself significantly! They really help me stay motivated and feel super accomplished when I reach a goal!

I would love to share some of my project goals with you guys, but I think I would prefer to keep them personal and show them off as I complete them! I will tell you this, though: one of my resolutions is going to be updating my blog at least twice a month. I feel as though updating it once a week was a bit overkill before and overwhelmed me a little, so I am going to back off to twice a month and hope that I can get more work in progress posts shown on here!

All 2017 babble aside, here are some of the things I have been working on the last 2-3 months. Enjoy! 

I am so excited to see what 2017 has in store for me! 
And I can't wait for the opportunity to create more things! 
Until next time, 



Friday, November 11, 2016

Kilby Court Posters


I have recently been making posters for Kilby Court in Salt Lake City for some local shows. I love creating art like this because you really can do whatever you want and the crazier it is, the better! Here are a handful of the posters I have done recently. I've also been obsessed with pastel colors recently and you can DEFINITELY tell with these three posters. My favorite is definitely the SLC Pink Release Party flyer. It's been a ton of fun and I can't wait to do more in the future!

As always, thanks for looking! Have a great weekend, you guys!



Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Life in a Box - Final BFA Show

I'm back!

It's been quite some time since my last blog post. I had been preparing the final touches for my BFA show! Here is a quick post today to share all of the pieces from my show. They are all shadow boxes with paper cut out pieces. I painted on the pieces with acrylic paint and then assembled the boxes. I was going for a pop-up book look and I am very happy with the results.

Also, before you scroll down, I am planning on figuring out a particular day to make blog posts in the near future. I would like to make this blog a place where I can share tutorials and more progress photos for my work. I have noticed I don't take many work in progress photographs of my art and I think that is a shame! I know I love to look at other artist's work in progress photos, so I am going to try to do that more often! 

Without further ado, here are the pieces from my Life in a Box show! 
 "The City"

 "The Ocean"

 "The Ghosts"

 "The Belly of the Beast"

 "The Pool Party"

 "The Stunt Man"

 "The Raven"

 "The Scuba Diver"

"The Spaceman"
"The Forest"

 "Girl with Flower"

"Snow Day"

Thank you all for looking! I hope you have a great week! 

Until next time -


Monday, June 20, 2016

Open For Commissions and SLC Comic Con Booth in September!

Hey everyone! 

I hope you are all doing well. I have awesome news - I GRADUATED! It felt so great to hold that diploma in my hand once I got it in the mail. I can't wait to get going on my future and my career!

I have been working on a lot of different projects, one of which is getting a bunch of different fan art pieces started since I am going to have a booth at Comic Con in Salt Lake City this September! I will provide more information on it when I find out what my table number is. I can't wait!

Another fun announcement is that I am open for commissions again! I am going to make a more formal announcement on my Instagram in about a month, but I am excited to start taking on more commissions again now that I am graduated! Commissions are so much fun. I love having random projects so frequently. It keeps my mind occupied and entertained! If you are interested in contacting me for a commission, please email for more information! Pricing is dependent on the content of the work you would like produced, so I would be happy to send you a quote if you would like! 

Lots of projects have been going down at my house, so I will just attach them all below for your enjoyment. 

I got my new business cards in the mail! The image above is the front of the card and the image below is the back of the card. I am so excited to have a new design for my cards - I was so tired of the old one!

 Finally, I have added new prints to my Society6 store! Go check it out at or by visiting and clicking on the "Store" tab!

Thank you all so much for your support and love! Take care and cheers,

Ashley Fairbourne

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Getting Ready to Graduate!

I'm so unbelievably excited to GRADUATE next week! It still feels so surreal to know that I am going to officially get to start my life and my career with art. There are a few pieces below that I have been working on recently! I also have finally finished my website! You can visit it at! I'm pretty proud of the result.
 An oil painting of my boyfriend. Painted on board.
 I did this little "shadow box" in photoshop. I had a really fun time imitating textures and materials to try to make them look realistic! I'm pretty happy with the results.

Finally, I did another oil painting on board, but this time of my mom. Isn't she pretty?

Next time you hear from me, I will have an art degree! How crazy! To any of you still in school - good luck with finals! You can do it!


Ashley Fairbourne

Friday, March 4, 2016

2 'Lil Pieces

Hey guys!
I don't have much to show you this week, but I thought I would make a quick post anyways! A lot of what I have been working on lately is still either in the works or I am waiting to be able to post it on social media still! I'm currently working on getting a little show ready for mid March! It should be a blast. I'm planning on hanging up a lot of my fan art!

Here is an oil painting I finished a couple of weeks ago. It was painted with Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre, Ivory Black, and Titanium White! Its insane how many colors you can make from such a small assortment!

 This is a digital painting done in Photoshop I made to mimic a charcoal drawing.I quite enjoyed doing this because I didn't have to dirty my hands like I normally would with charcoal! It is a caricature of Elaine from Seinfeld with her lovely Urban Sombrero! I just love Seinfeld.
That's it for today! I will hopefully have some more fun stuff to show off within the next couple of weeks or so! I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I know I am -- the warm weather is sneaking up on us, and I couldn't be happier!


Ashley Fairbourne

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Soooo Tired + Other News! (pictures are involved, I promise)

Hey guys!

I hope you all have been well! I know I am now that the holidays are over. Thanksgiving-New Years is always so busy! 
I am currently finishing up my final semester! It's insane to think about graduating. I feel like I have been in school forever and I never thought there would be an end in sight... but here we are!

I have a handful of things I wanted to show you guys! As I'm sure you all heard, David Bowie passed away fairly recently. I was pretty bummed about it. I remember the first song I heard by him was "Changes" when I was about 8 years old and I used to listen to it allll the time. He has always been a really special musician and person to me, so I decided to do a little caricature of him in tribute! I think I may scan it in and color it digitally.

Now that the holidays are over, I can safely show you guys this little project I was working on! My boyfriend and I decided to make handmade presents for each other this year and he is a huge Dark Tower Series fan (Stephen King, for those who don't know -- go check it out!) so I made him a Dark Tower- Themed box. He is a tattooer, so it was made to hold his tattoo machines! I derived this design from an image I saw online. It was so beautiful, so I decided to paint the same design in my own style! It was done on a wooden box in acrylic paint.

I also had the opportunity to make a design for some birthday invitations! The theme of the party was "Rockstar Mermaid," which is obviously awesome! She wanted to have the mermaid look like Ariel, since they are huge Disney fans! Gouache on watercolor paper.

Dallas Clayton (don't know who that is?? Go check out his art! He is a fantastic designer!) held a fun competition a few weeks ago! He came up with bizarre, random names and asked his Instagram followers to create some creatures that match the names! I created Biltichang Fleecy, Columpian Gumasore, and Clasper Brungle. My personal favorite is Columpian Gumbasore! My creatures even got featured on his Instagram!

I am currently taking a head painting class and have been oil painting so much, it's insane! This was done with Ivory Black and Titanium White oil paint on a linen panel. I've been trying to experiment with different textures and techniques when applying paint. We recently have moved on to painting in color, so I will be sure to post some of those color pieces in the near future!

I am also taking a digital painting class! So far, the class has been a blast and has the best prompts for our drawings! For this piece, I was assigned a random fact. The fact was "you can't sneeze with your eyes open." The goal was to communicate the idea without people knowing what your random fact was! The snot on the rag was my favorite part, as I'm sure you can tell. This piece was created entirely in Photoshop.

Thank you all for stopping by! Take care,

Ashley Fairbourne